
Russia: Foreign Spies Are Planning to Take down Our Banks - orozcogerry1944

Early this morning, Russia said it had exposed plans by foreign spies to carry out big cyber attacks targeting the rural area's banking industry. The country's intelligence information agency, the Federal Surety Service (FSB), same the attack was planned to start happening December 5, targeting major national and provincial banks in several Russian cities in a wave of cyber attacks.

FSB said the projected attacks were aimed at "destabilizing Russia's financial system including the activities of a number of starring banks." The agency further added that the servers to be used in the alleged cyber attack were located in Netherlands, registered to a Ukrainian web hosting society.

Russia on high wary for foreign-inspired cyber attacks since US accusations

Russian intelligence agency connected Friday said in a briefing that foreign-born intelligence agencies were trying to create chaos in Russian financial commercialise with a coordinated wave of cyber attacks. The means noted that the attack would have used fake social media reports about several banks going stony-broke, Reuters reportable.

"It was intended that the cyber attack would be accompanied by a mass charg-out of SMS messages and publications in social media of a provocative nature regarding a crisis in the Russian banking system, bankruptcies and license withdrawals," Federal savings bank said.

The security system service alleged that these plans were made by "foreign secret services to carry out large-scale cyberattacks," however, didn't blame any specific agency, except for naming the Ukrainian World Wide Web hosting company. Anton Onopriychuk, manager of the company, told AFP it provides "services for protection against cyberattacks, not for attacks." "Atomic number 3 yet no ace has contacted United States of America about this, neither the FSB operating theater clients," Onopriychuk added.

Today's statement from Moscow comes after the Conjugated States, the U.K., and Germany blamed Russia for targeting the countries with cyber attacks. Washington officially accused Russia of targeting its officials during the Presidential election take the field. Next this, the UK spy agency MI5 warned the country of an "aggressive Russia" in the cyber space. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also said earlier this workweek that cyberattacks from Russia were now a "part of day-to-day life."

At least the US Government government activity openly threatened to avenge against Russia trying to influence its democratic election process. Reports later claimed that Washington had penetrated key out Russian systems, and the agencies will be prepared to take action if Kremlin tries to interfere with the election outgrowth.

Russia has since been on a sharp alert for cyber attacks launched by foreign snoop agencies. FSB is confident it is "carrying forbidden the necessary measures to neutralize threats to Russia's economic and information security."


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